Our Community
"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about"

Support For You and Your Community
Discover various resources and assistance to individuals within the LGBTQ+ community.
If you are an LGBTQ+ person in crisis, please contact a crisis hotline. If you feel like you are in danger, please contact your local authorities.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline:
You're not alone and there are many resources available to help you no matter your circumstances.
We are always adding more resources so check back frequently.
If you offer a service and would like to be featured with
Project Pride SRQ, please email: admin@ppsrq.org
Additional Community Resources

LGBTQ+ Youth Services alsoyouth.org
LGBTQ+ Senior Programing friendshipcenters.org
LGBTQ+ Health Services plannedparenthood.org
Homelessness and Recovery Programing harvesthousecenters.org
HIV Healthcare and PREP services cancommunityhealth.org
TransSocialSRQ.org provides resources for transgender people in the Sarasota area
LGBTQ+ Lobbying and Legislation eqfl.org
Sarasota Diversity Bar Association sarasotabar.com
24/7 LGBTQ+ Suicide Hotline Nationwide 1-866-488-7386 thetrevorproject.org
Gender identity, dysphoria, and diversity in neurodivergent individuals elemy.com
LGBTQ+ cancer fact sheets American Cancer Society Gay/Bi men and Lesbian women
Protecting Healthcare for Transgender Floridians lambdalegal.org
988 suicide and crisis lifeline expands LGBTQ chat, text services to 24/7
Substance Use Resources for Students from Historically Marginalized Groups
PrEP, prescriptions, & FREE RAPID HIV TESTING Orenda Health and Wellness